Tuesday, February 8, 2011

a mistake

soo...i wrote this for my american lit class the other day...but i don`t think i actually followed the directions given, slash i couldn`t find them...either way, its an okay "poem" i guess, as good as poems can be, esp. when i am the one attempting to create them...

ice storm

out there
bitter beats the windows
the fierce leaves chimneys blue and panes begging,
but he is merciless to them

trees twinge
screaming, salted flowers suffer
crystal shatters

every blow erupts a frenzy
leaving morose our hearts
draining warmth from our bodies,
we surrender to the night.

savage slows to civil
and turns to lull us
becoming radiant,
the moon smiles at the frozen world
and charms the frosty trees and grass
a stunning glow covers the earth
and settles and enthralls and glitters.

-hillary nicole

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