I remember the day Kerry pulled me aside and asked me to lead the congregation in worship on Sunday morning. I was uncertain. The massive, newly-built, white church was a flawless building containing not-so-flawless people. In an ultra conservative-traditional Presbyterian Church, where the adults love you just because you`re youthful, the elders pick out every flaw possible, the youth struggle with the pull between the traditional and contemporary and the music ministry flourished, we led.
God provided me with an amazing way to minister to others in a way in which I am passionate about through a gift that we all can relate to. Music. On stage, mic in hand, I let go of all emotions breaking through the barriers that held us back from unity. God has pushed me to become more than I deserve. Although I had accomplished a lot in high school vocally, nothing comes close to what God did through my time with the music ministry. Music became more than something I enjoyed to do, it became something that I passionately desired to use to share my testimony with others. I am honored to have been a part of such an amazing experience. That God trusted his young daughter to spread the gospel with her voice in song. I witnessed lives changed.
I remember the summer God`s scripture became real to me. His words were already embedded in my heart through song, and now they were jumping off the pages of my Bible and into my soul. He told me that I am his daughter and he will protect me. He promised me His perfect plan and taught me that I had nothing to fear. He was preparing me for a time of uncertainty, where I would face fear. This was during a mission project called Youth With A Mission. The long days before my trip, where the sandy, summer breeze brushed by my face turning pages in the pink treasure that held my deepest thoughts, were crucial to my spiritual growth. Those eleven days before I left for Florida on the veranda, overlooking the turquoise ocean with the comforting scent of coffee and colorful, fresh fruit breakfasts, were where the Lord told me he was about to do something big in my life. I asked him to prepare my hands and heart for how he was going to use me in the next two weeks of service.
It is through brokenness that we grow stronger; like a muscle torn, we are strengthened by our dedication and endurance. God has placed a desire in my heart to fully know him, and fully know myself. I can never fully know myself if I do not know Him, for He created every intricate part of me. People can change if they meet Jesus face to face. For He can meet you wherever you are and carry you, if only you let Him. Sing. Love. Dance. You-be-You. It`s freeing.
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